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Maguiresbridge PS, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh
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Visit from local NI author - Declan Carville

6th Dec 2023

There was great excitement when Declan visited P2/3 and P4 on Thursday 30th November.  This visit was in partnership with EA AmmA Centre and involved the children participating in a storytelling and creative writing workshop.  This workshop allowed the children to go on a wonderful journey as they read the book, 'The Magic Harp'.

Declan shared with the children the importance of using their imaginations.  The children were fascinated by the stories of the 'Fairy Glen' and the stunning illustrations that have been used to help bring the story alive.  

This was a very worthwhile visit and there is no doubt that this visit will inspire the children to be creative, use their imagination and write from their own experiences!  We look forward to reading their stories and seeing their illustrations in the near future!