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Maguiresbridge PS, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh

News - P2/3

2023/2024 School Year

8th Mar 2024
As part of anti-bullying week we all wore odd socks on the first day. Odd Socks...
8th Mar 2024
To highlight road safety we all dressed up in our brightest clothes and walked...
8th Mar 2024
We dressed up for Children in Need in November! All the children (and even the teachers!)...
8th Mar 2024
We love getting our waterproofs and wellies on and heading up to The Thomas Trail!...
8th Mar 2024
We had a fantastic scary disco at Halloween! Every one dressed up and we danced...
8th Mar 2024
Of course after reading 'Jack and the Beanstalk' we had to try and grow our own magic...
8th Mar 2024
"Cook, Little Pot, Cook!" We made some porridge after reading 'The Magic Porridge...
8th Mar 2024
“Who's that trip-trapping over my bridge?” We made our own troll bridges...
6th Dec 2023
There was great excitement when Declan visited P2/3 and P4 on Thursday 30th November. ...