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Maguiresbridge PS, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh


2023/2024 School Year

3rd May 2024
Special thanks to the Parent Support for our lovely Hoodies!  We are really...
22nd Apr 2024
As part of our topic we all went on a walk around Maguiresbridge and spotted so many...
22nd Apr 2024
Mrs Graham took the P2/3 class up to the Thomas Trail to check if we had any tadpoles...
22nd Apr 2024
Alan from the Enniskillen Rugby Football Club has been coming into school on Tuesdays...
22nd Mar 2024
A big well done to the P6/7 girls who were the runners up in the Fermanagh Girls’...
13th Mar 2024
Twice a week we join in with Mrs McConkey's class for Shared Play! We set up play...
13th Mar 2024
We had a wonderful day at the Ulster American Folk Park yesterday with Mrs McConkey's...
11th Mar 2024
Well done to the P7 team who qualified for the Northern Ireland Road Safety Quiz...
11th Mar 2024
We had soooo much fun on World Book Day ! The children decided on whether they...
11th Mar 2024
When the snows out we have to ... build snowmen of course!!