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Maguiresbridge PS, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh


Welcome to the P1/P2 webpage

The teacher in our class is Mrs Graham and the classroom assistants are Mrs Bates, Miss Noble and Mrs Honeyman.

We are delighted to welcome our new P1 children and hope they will settle into our school routines 

This term our topic will be Colours and Autumn.  

We will be having PE on Thursdays and Fridays and will change our library books on a Friday.

Keep checking this page for photos and updates. 

Looking forward to a fun term of learning



Links for P1/2



We are collecting food for the very hungry caterpillar!
We are collecting food for the very hungry caterpillar!
We are collecting food for the very hungry caterpillar!
We are collecting food for the very hungry caterpillar!
Shared Play
Shared Play
Exploring Autumn
Exploring Autumn
Sorting the animals out for Farmer Brown
Sorting the animals out for Farmer Brown
Shared Play
Shared Play
Empty and Full
Empty and Full
Shared Play
Shared Play
Shared Play
Shared Play
Empty and Full
Empty and Full
Wonderful Me
Wonderful Me
Wonderful ME
Wonderful ME
Wonderful Me
Wonderful Me

Class Photograph
